Singing Guide: Sheridan Smith

Singing Guide: Sheridan Smith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sheridan Smith is one of the UK's most beloved actresses, known for her incredible vocal talent in addition to her acting abilities. In this article, we'll explore how to learn to sing like Sheridan Smith, including her unique vocal technique and the songs that best showcase her abilities.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Sheridan Smith's singing is her clear and pure tone. She has a bright, sweet sound that lends itself well to a range of different styles, from pop to musical theatre. In order to achieve a similar sound, it's important to focus on developing good breathing techniques and vocal control.

Breathing exercises are key to building a strong foundation for your singing. Singing Carrot's article on breathing basics is a great resource to start with, offering tips on how to breathe actively and passively, and the advantages of each. The Farinelli Breathing exercise video can be a great way to start. It teaches singers to regulate their breathing and develop the control needed to sustain long phrases.

Smith's vocal range is quite impressive, and she is particularly adept at hitting high notes with ease and precision. Singing Carrot's vocal range test can help you discover your own vocal range and identify areas where you may need to develop your skills. With targeted exercises, you can work on both extending your own range and improving your pitch accuracy overall.

Songs are one of the most effective tools for learning to sing like Sheridan Smith. Smith has performed in a number of shows, like Legally Blonde and Funny Girl, that are famous for their catchy, upbeat songs and entertaining choreography. The Song Book tool at Singing Carrots allows singers to search for songs by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Try finding a song from one of the shows Smith has been in, like "Bend and Snap" from Legally Blonde or "Don't Rain on My Parade" from Funny Girl, and work on perfecting your performance with Singing Carrots' linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

Another important part of learning to sing like Sheridan Smith is understanding the different vocal registers and how to use them effectively. Singing Carrot's article on voice registers and vocal break can help you get better grasp on this concept and identify areas where you might be struggling. The Chest Voice Explained video is another excellent resource for learning to use your chest voice more effectively.

Finally, one of the keys to singing like Sheridan Smith is to find your own authentic voice and style. Singing Carrot's article on how to find your own authentic voice can help guide you through this process, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and personal growth. Remember that while you can strive to emulate your favorite singers, cultivating your own unique sound is ultimately the most satisfying and rewarding path.

In summary, learning to sing like Sheridan Smith requires practice, dedication, and a willingness to explore new techniques and styles. With the right resources, including Singing Carrots' articles, exercises, and tools, you can hone your skills and develop the technical proficiency and creative intuition necessary to capture Smith's signature sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.